Wednesday, April 16, 2008


When I was pregnant with Stella I specifically remember sitting in the office and looking down at the cat bed thinking, "One of these days whoever this baby is will enjoy climbing in that cat bed."
Clearly, that day has arrived. Meow.


Stella had Sophia and Lila over the other day and she was kind enough to give them hugs to say goodbye...two seconds after I snapped this photo Stella and Sophia took a header together....slightly funny at first but then not so much:)
This is the beginning of Lila's hug (no, she's not about to be strangled)

Monday, April 7, 2008

What has Stella been up to these days?

We've taught our little Busy Bee to vacuum her own room
...and to cook for herself,

but we still let her have some free time for her hobbies - like drawing